vsftpd - Secure, fast FTP server for UNIX-like systems

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Wu-ftpd Free Download, Linux | IceWalkers. Wu-ftpd windows download


This item does not appear to have any files that can be experienced on Archive. Please download files in this item to interact with them on your computer. Show all files. Tucows, Inc has graciously donated a copy of this software to the Internet Archive's Tucows Software Archive for long term preservation and access.

Please check the Tucows website for all current versions of the software. Uploaded by pt on November 2, Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Sign up Log in. Wu-ftpd is the service process of wu-ftp. It can be executed without parameters or parameters. The following describes the execution parameters of wu-ftpd:. If no operation is performed, the connection is closed;.

This configuration file is the most important configuration file on the FTP server. It is directly related to whether your FTP server can work normally and has many permission settings. The following is a typical configuration instance.

Next, we will explain each setting one by one and give the meaning of each setting so that you can bypass the settings and make reasonable settings based on the specific circumstances of your FTP server. Function: sets the number of times a user can enter the wrong password when logging on to the FTP server.

Instance: loginfails 3: If the password is entered incorrectly three times, the connection is disconnected. Function: sets the user category on the FTP server. You can also restrict the IP addresses of the client to allow access from some or all IP addresses. Users on the FTP server can basically be divided into the following three types:. Function: This command sets the maximum number of users allowed to connect to a specified category within the specified time. When the maximum number of users is reached, the content of the specified file is displayed.

Function: when a user executes a specified command, the system displays the specified file content. Instance: compress yes local remote: allows both local and remote users to use the compress function. Trival indicates that you can log on as long as the entered password contains the " " character;. Rfc indicates that the password must comply with the E-Mail format specified in RFC before logon;. Enfore indicates that the entered password is not allowed to log on if it does not conform to the preceding format;.

Warn indicates that only warning information is displayed when the password does not comply with the regulations, and you can still log on. Instance: passwd-check rfc warn: You want to obtain a qualified email as the password, but if not, you can also log on.

Instance: log command real: when a real user logs on, his operations are recorded. Because the permissions of other users are low, operations do not cause too many security risks. The latest vsftpd release is v3.

Also, the FTP protocol is sunsetting, which is probably not a terrible thing. Here are a couple of graphs sent in by a satisfied user, running a large internet site with vsftpd. Over the 24 hours, vsftpd has served 2. This is on a single machine. I'm buried alive in vsftpd mail :- You could try mailing me: Chris Evans, scarybeasts gmail. Please don't be disappointed if your vsftpd mail does not get answered; I can only answer a small percentage.

It is secure and extremely fast. It is stable. Don't take my word for it, though. Below, we will see evidence supporting all three assertions. We will also see a list of a few important sites which are happily using vsftpd. This demonstrates vsftpd is a mature and trusted solution. Features Despite being small for purposes of speed and security, many more complicated FTP setups are achievable with vsftpd!

Also, here is an HTML version of the manual page which lists all vsftpd config options. Is vsftpd the right server for me? If your main requirement from an FTP server is one of the following things then yes, vsftpd is probably the FTP server you are looking for.

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